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Friday, February 24, 2012

Orange Goblin - A Eulogy for the Damned (2012)

Vinyl LP Back on Black BOBV289LP
CD Candlelight CANDLE260CD

Gli inglesi Orange Goblin, che tornano al disco dal 2007, non dovrebbero avere bisogno di particolari presentazioni. Giunti al loro settimo album, Ben Ward (vocals), Joe Hoari (guitar), Martyn Millard (bass), Chris Turner (drums), Duncan Gibbs (keyboards), ripropongono l'ennesima copertina con teschi, demoni alati e quant'altro proprio dell'iconografia heavy/hard. Apre 'Red Tide Rising' = 4 minuti e mezzo di comune hard rock, trito e ri-trito, con annesso solo di chitarra in stile, voce incazzata come da programma. 'Stand for Something' = riff di chitarra in '6' grasso e medioso con venature da pop americano. Tanto basta. 'Acid Trial' sembra un riff dei primi Iron Maiden, Marshall e humbucker a cannone. Il discorso generale non cambia per i brani seguenti. 'Save Me From Myself' sembra un riff dei Davis (qui già recensiti), il miglior pezzo ascoltato sin'ora, senza entusiasmi, sia chiaro. Il mood non varia mai di un millimetro, spazia da un hard rock generico, con venature rock and roll (Return to Mars) a pezzi più heavy metal (Death of Aquarius), comunque lo stoner - tanto oggi basta usare 'sta parolina magica - non c'entra nulla. Disco che non dice assolutamente nulla.

The British Orange Goblin, who return to a release since 2007, should have no need for special presentations. Reached their seventh album, Ben Ward (vocals), Joe Hoari (guitar), Martyn Millard (bass), Chris Turner (drums), Duncan Gibbs (keyboards), reproduce the umpteenth cover with skulls, winged demons and everything else its heavy / hard iconography. Open 'Red Tide Rising' = 4 and a half minutes of common hard rock, chopped and re-chopped, with attached guitar solo style, angry voice as scheduled. 'Stand for Something' guitar riff = '6 ' with fat and veins from American Pop. That's enough. 'Acid Trial' seems a riff of early Iron Maiden, Marshall and humbucker powered. The general discourse does not change for the following songs. 'Save Me From Myself' seems a riff of Davis (already reviewed here), the best piece listened so far, without enthusiasm, though. The mood never varies by a millimeter, ranging from a generic hard rock, with rock and roll veins (Return to Mars) to heavy metal pieces (Death of Aquarius), however, the stoner - so now you just can use this magic word - has nothing to do with. A disc that says absolutely nothing.


1 Red Tide Rising        
2 Stand for Something        
3 Acid Trial        
4 The Filthy & the Few        
5 Save Me From Myself        
6 The Fog        
7 Return to Mars        
8 Death of Aquarius        
9 The Bishops Wolf


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